Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie
Two hundred years before the Rise of the Valkyrie, Archkyrie Migol II ruled over most of Upper Bleakwoode and the ancient lands of Laur. Upon his death, his son Migol III erected a tomb on Barrenspur. Thieves have since turned this tomb into an empty ruin, but the catacombs beneath are still said to hold great riches.
Master Game for 4 Players
Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie
Goal: Player 1 controls Mimring and his minions, and must protect the map and burrowing
device until it is secure. Players 2, 3, and 4 are all competing to get the map. They
are not on a team.
Setup: Place a glyph of Brandar power-side up where shown. The Artifact will represent the
map. Turn the glyph of Astrid, Gerda, Valda, and Mitonsoul symbol-side up, shuffle
them, then place them on the spaces in the catacombs marked with a ?. Place Mimring
where shown. Player 1 controls Mimring and 260 points worth of a drafted or pre-made
army. Players 2, 3, and 4 each control 200 points worth of drafted or pre-made armies.
Player 1 starts in the olive starting zone; the other players each start in either
the purple, teal or navy starting zones.
Special Rules: Players 2, 3, and 4 have an uneasy alliance at the start of the game. This means their
armies are all considered friendly. As soon as one of these players attacks another,
the truce is off between all of them and cannot be remade.
Victory: If player 2, 3, or 4 has a figure on the glyph of Brandar at the end of a round, then
that player gets the map and wins. If no one has captured the map by the end of round
6, then player 1 wins, even if player 1 has no figures left on the battlefield.
A Valkyrie General has mapped out the locations of 3 enemy wellsprings. This coveted information must be kept from others. The Valkyrie has built a device that will bury the map deep in the rock of Barrenspur, but it will take some time for it to finish its work. And who better to guard it than a dragon?
Master Game for 2 Players, or 4 Players on 2 Teams
Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie
Goal: Destroy all of your opponents' figures.
Setup: Place the glyphs power-side up where shown.
2 Players: Each player drafts or brings pre-made 400-point armies.
4 Players: Each player drafts or brings pre-made 300-point armies.
One player/team starts in the olive starting zone; the other player/team starts in
the purple starting zone.
Special Rules: Due to the recent rains, all sand spaces have turned to mud. Each figure uses up 2
moves on each sand space.
Victory: When the other side has no figures left on the battlefield, your side wins. If the
battle reaches the end of round 12, then the battle is over and the player or team
with the most points on the battlefield wins.
Under a bleak and unforgiving sky, all is silent. Everyone knows that blood will be spilled soon. Orders have come to take Barrenspur, to hold Migol's Tomb. Unfortunately, the orders have come from more than one Valkyrie General.
Master Game for 2 or 3 Players
Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie
Goal: Uncover the glyph of Brandar to free Mimring. Destroy all of your opponent's figures
to control Migol's Tomb.
Setup: Turn the glyphs of Ivor, Erland, Mitonsoul, Gerda, Valda, Dagmar and Brandar symbol-side
up, shuffle them and place them as shown.
3 Players: Each player drafts or brings pre-made 350 point armies. One player starts in the olive
starting zone; another player starts in the purple starting zone; and another player
starts in the teal starting zone.
2 Players: Each player drafts or brings pre-made 420 point armies. One player starts in the olive
starting zone; the other player starts in the purple starting zone.
Special Rules: Mimring can not be part of any player's army at the beginning of the game.
To free Mimring from the glyph of Brandar, you must end the round with one of your
figures on the glyph. Mimring enters the battlefield by flying onto any non-glyph
space at the end of the round and joins the army of the player who freed him. The
glyph of Brandar is removed from the game when Mimring enters the battlefield.
Victory: Destroy all of your opponents. If the battle reaches the end of the round 12, the
player with the most points on the battlefield wins.
In the battle of Mimring's Fortress, Mimring was defeated and entombed in a secret Glyph of Brandar. It is understood that whoever finds this glyph and frees him from his entombment, Mimring will be grateful and forever loyal. Find the Glyph of Brandar to free Mimring to join your army on the battlefield of Migol's Tomb.