Wolf Swamp Road

Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Road to the Forgotten Forest

? B A D E G I K M V 10 11 12 15 15 15 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Trees & Ruins

During the long winter months of the north, the Wolf Swamp Road is the only viable passageway along Western Nastralund and Eastern Laur. It runs between the long disputed Dark Lakes, and is the fastest path among the Ruined Forts of the Archkyrie and their many abandoned outpost.

Created by Hasbro on 2005-12

Ambush on Wolf Swamp Road


Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Road to the Forgotten Forest

Goal: Player 1 must push past the ambush with at least 2 heroes surviving. Player 2 must prevent this from happening.

Setup: Player 1 drafts or brings a 550-point army. At least 2 heroes must be selected. Player 2 drafts or brings a 400-point army. Player 1 starts in the olive starting zone. Player 2 starts in the purple starting zones.

Player 2 does not have to place his/her army on the battlefield during drafting, and may place his/her army after player 1 has chosen and placed his/her entire army.

Special Rules: Once a hero has reached the exit zone spaces, the figure is taken out of play and removed from the battlefield. Exit zone spaces are marked with an "E".

Victory: Player 1 wins when 2 heroes have reached any space in the exit zone. Player 2 wins if player 1's heroes have not reached any exit zone spaces by the 10th round, or when player 1 does not have enough heroes to win.

You have been ordered to escort heroes that are vital to the cause of your general to the battlefield. Unknown to you, a small band of warriors lays in ambush amoung the ruins of an Archkyrie's outpost.

Created by Hasbro on 2005-12

A Simple Prisoner Exchange


Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Road to the Forgotten Forest

Goal: Players must rescue their opponent's prisoner and bring them back to their safety zone.

Setup: Each player brings a pre-made 520-point army. At least one single based hero must be selected.

The player that has rolled the highest die for placement selects a single based hero to be his prisoner from the other player's army. The player who rolled the lowest die for placement then picks a single based hero to be his prisoner from the other player's army.

One player starts in the olive starting zone and places his prisoner on the purple space marked with a "P". The other player starts in the purple starting zone and places his prisoner on the olive space marked with a "P".

Special Rules: Before moving any one figure you control, you may choose an adjacent unengaged prisoner to carry. After you move the figure that is carrying the prisoner, place the chosen prisoner adjacent to the carrying figure. A prisoner can be carried by either player. Order markers cannot be placed on prisoner cards. You cannot attack, or receive disengagement attacks from them.

A player's safety zone is the two spaces in their starting zone that are marked with an "S".

Victory: To win, a player must meet one of three victory conditions below:
1: The other player has no figures left on the battlefield (not including Prisoners).
2: A player has carried their opponent's prisoner back to their own safety zone.
3: A player has the most points left on the battlefield (not including the prisoner) after round 10.

Even between deadly enemies, there are times of reason. You and your foe have met to parley and to exchange prisoners, but something went awry. You are now admist a large battle to rescue your enemies' prisoner and bring him hom safely.

Created by Hasbro on 2005-12

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