
Required Sets: The Conflict Begins

It Ob ? Level 1

Genotech is a subsidiary of Stark Enterprises which is attached to the main factory in Flushings, Queens. Genotech works towards the betterment of mankind, by studying dysfunctions within the human genome, and genetically altering them.

Created by Hasbro on 2007-07

Avengers Assemble!

3 1 2 3 1 2

Basic Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: The Conflict Begins

Goal: Destroy all of your opponent's figures.

Setup: Place figures where shown by the following numbers.

Good Player: White
1: Captain America
2: Iron Man
3: Spider-Man

Evil Player: Black
1: Doctor Doom
2: The Abomination
3: Venom

Victory: When the other player has no figures left on the battlefield, you win.

Captain America and his fellow New Avengers are out to try and stop Doctor doom and his cohorts from stealing a genetic material that can be used to make an ordinary human into a genetic super-being.

Created by Hasbro on 2007-07

Theft at Stark Enterprises

Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: The Conflict Begins

Goal: Word's out that an innovative new weapons system could revolutionize the way we do war. Gather a band of allies to take or guard the Stark Enterprises' Warehouse where the top secret weapons system is rumored to be.

Setup: Each player drafts or brings a pre-made 1200-point army.

One player starts in the olive starting zone; the other player starts in the purple starting zone.

Victory: If you destroy all of your opponent's figures or are the only player with at least one figure on any teal concrete tile space at the end of round 5 or at the end of any round thereafter, you win.

Stark Enterprises is a well known weapons manufacturer, with dozens of military contracts throughout the United States government. Information on a top secret weapons system has just been leaked to the press. With the knowledge leaked, there are many heroes and villians attacking and guarding dozens of Stark Enterprises' Warehouses and Research Facilities.

Created by Hasbro on 2007-07

Escalating Battle

Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: The Conflict Begins

Goal: Destroy all of your opponent's figures.

Setup: Turn the Object of Power Glyph and the Mysterious Item Glyph symbol-side up, shuffle them, then place them on the spaces marked with a ?.

Each player drafts or brings a pre-made 1200-point army.

One player starts in the olive starting zone; the other player starts in the purple starting zone.

Special Rules: At the beginning of every round, before placing Order Markers, both players roll a 20-sided die. The player who rolls the highest will roll first to attempt to revive their previously destroyed figures in this battle. Roll a 20-sided die for each previously destroyed figure. If you roll a 16 or higher for a figure, place it on any unoccupied space along the edge of the battlefield and remove all Wound Markers from that figure's card.

If a player's figure is standing on the Object of Power Glyph at the beginning of a round, that player only has to roll a 14 or higher to bring back a previously destroyed figure and receives a +2 to all initiative rolls.

If a player's figure is standing on the Mysterious Item Glyph, all figures that player controls roll one less defense die.

Victory: When the other player has no figures left on the battlefield you win. If the battle reaches the end of round 8, then the game is over and the player with the most figures on the battlefield wins. If there is a tie, the player with the most points on the battlefield wins.

During an attack on Genotech Labs, a small unknown device was activated which heals beings from the most severe wounds, including death. Unfortunately for some, it has a short battery!

Created by Hasbro on 2007-07

Hulk Mad!


Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: The Conflict Begins

Player 1's Goal: You, as the Incredible Hulk, must try to destroy all of Player 2's figures.

Player 2's Goal: Avoid the Incredible Hulk while searching through the Warehouse Ruin for a Sleeping Agent to put the creature to sleep.

Setup: Place the Incredible Hulk on the space marked with the number 1.

Place the Mysterious Item Glyph (Sleeping Agent) power-side up where shown.

Player 1 may only use the Incredible Hulk. Player 2 brings a pre-made 1250-point army made up of only unique heroes. Silver Surfer and the Incredible Hulk may not be chosen by Player 2 for this Scenario.

Player 2 starts in the purple starting zones.

Special Rules: The Hulk cannot move onto the Sleeping Agent. If a figure Player 2 controls moves onto the Sleeping Agent, Player 2 immediately places the Glyph on that figure's Army Card. The figure then may continue its movement if the figure did not use its full movement to reach the Sleeping Agent.

The Sleeping Agent may be passed between two adjacent figures at anytime during Player 2's turn. Place the Glyph on the adjacent figure's Army Card. That figure is now in control of the Sleeping Agent.

If a figure that controls the Sleeping Agent takes a wound or is destroyed, Player 1 places the Sleeping Agent on any empty, non-adjacent, same level space that is within 5 spaces of the destroyed or wounded figure. the Sleeping Agent must land within clear sight of the Incredible Hulk.

The Incredible Hulk may never receive a wound, unless the figure wounding him has control of the Sleeping Agent.

Special Powers that instantly destroy figures from the battlefield or permanently take control of the Hulk may not be used on the Incredible Hulk.

The Incredible Hulk must attack a figure or Breakable Wall Section on his turn if possible.

Note: Player 1 may have a challenge winning this scenario!

Victory: When the other player has no figures left on the battlefield, you win. If the battle reaches the end of round 12, then the game is over and Player 1 wins.

Dr. Bruce Banner has been trying to find a cure to his boundless rage for years. Tony Stark, of Stark Enterprises, volunteered Genotech, one of his many science facilities, to help Dr. Banner get rid of his angry counterpart. It didn't work. Now the Incredible Hulk is angry and destroying all in his path!

Created by Hasbro on 2007-07

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