MOPs 5111 and 5134

Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Swarm of the Marro

? B A D E G I K M V C N O T U W Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Created by GaryLASQ on 2007-11-04

Marro Rising

Master Game for 2 Players as a Team Against 1 Player

Required Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Swarm of the Marro

Goal: Destroy all of your opponent's figures.

Setup: Assemble MOPs 5111 and 5134. Then slide them together as shown. Place the Glyphs of Dagmar, Gerda, Kelda and Ulaniva power-side up where shown.

Player 1 drafts or brings a pre-made 880 point army that includes the Marro Hive and any character led by Utgar that was originally from the planet Marr (see Basic side of Army Card). Players 2 and 3 each drafts or brings a pre-made 320 point army from characters led by any General except Utgar.

Player 1 starts in the olive zone and places the Marro Hive where shown. Players 2 and 3 start in the purple zone and have the option to permanently remove one or both Ruins before round 1 begins.

Victory: If Player 1 destroys the armies of Player 2 and 3, he wins. If Players 2 and 3 destroy Player 1's army, they win.

From the lowlands of Valhalla comes a swarm of Marro that rises up out of the swamps. Utgar has put in motion a regenerating force of evil from the planet Marr. The other Valkyrie Generals must descend into the swamps and destroy this new threat before it's too late.

Created by GaryLASQ on 2007-11-04

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