Ancient Sanctum

Required Sets: Battle for the Underdark (4)

? B H D pH 7 7 5 9 7 5 9 7 5 9 7 5 9 7 5 9 7 5 9 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 1 Level 2

Created by Hasbro on 2010-01

Ancient Sanctum (Dungeon Adventure 1)

Shared tiles between rooms 1 and 2 Shared tiles between rooms 2 and 3 Shared tiles between rooms 3 and 4 Room 4 Room 3 Room 1 Room 2

Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: Battle for the Underdark (4)

Special Campaign Rules: If you are playing each battle in this Dungeon Adventure as a campaign, the following rules apply:

Death: If a figure in Player 1’s Army is destroyed in any of the dungeon rooms, that figure is removed from the campaign. The figure does not continue into the next room with the rest of the adventurers. EXCEPTION: The adventurers carry one Vial of Resurrection with them. Once per campaign, Player 1 may use the Vial of Resurrection to revive a party member that had been destroyed in the previous room only. The Vial of Resurrection MUST be used when placing figures onto starting zones for a new room.

Wounds: When Player 1 continues onto a new room in the dungeon, all wound markers are removed from each of Player 1’s Army Cards.

Equipment (Treasure Glyphs): When Player 1 continues onto a new room in the dungeon, the figures in Player 1’s Army retain control of any Treasure Glyphs they control, and gain control of any that are power-side up on the battlefield. Player 1 may redistribute Treasure Glyphs only when placing figures onto starting zones for a new room.

Random Treasure Glyphs: This Master Set comes with four Treasure Glyphs, three of which are mobile: Talisman of Defense, Heroic Rune, and Potion of Healing. Rooms 2, 3, and 4 of this campaign each call for a random Treasure Glyph. At the beginning of each of those rooms, pick one of the three mobile Treasure Glyphs at random. (Do not use the same Treasure Glyph more than once per campaign.) Each random Treasure Glyph is kept symbol-side up (hidden) until it is revealed.

Connected Rooms: You will see that the end of each room in the Ancient Sanctum is the beginning of the next. If you own multiple sets of this Master Set, you can create all four connected rooms at once. However, when playing the campaign, you cannot skip ahead. Player 1 must accomplish the victory conditions of each room before venturing into the next room.

An unnatural gust of wind extinguishes your torch. You stumble in the sudden darkness. Two of your party members cry out, but their cries are immediately muffled—then gone. In the silence you call out, and in the distance one of your companions responds. There are two of you remaining: Ana Karithon the cleric and Tandros Kreel the fi ghter. You were sent to explore, but your goals have quickly shifted. You must fi nd your missing party members and make it back to the surface with your lives.

Created by Hasbro on 2010-01

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