The Minor Spring

Required Sets: Battle for the Wellspring

? B 13 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

It is a closely-guarded secret that Mount Tildept is truly hollow. Inside lie many winding caverns, home to a wide variety of valuable herbs and rare cave-fish. More closely guarded even than the herbs and fish is the secret of the Wellspring Chamber's location. Few know for sure that it exists; fewer still are permitted to enter, and see for themselves the sacred opalescent waters that grant Aquilla her Valkyrie powers.

The chamber itself is wide, with a low ceiling and mottled moss criss-crossing its walls. At the perfect time of night the moon’s light reaches through an obscure hole in the ceiling and alights upon the still water, casting the cave in shimmering golden light. Despite its glory, this is still only a minor spring. It lacks the fifteen surrounding chambers and full awesome power of Aquilla’s true Wellspring. But as the visions set in on those foolish enough to allow its water to touch their skin, there can be no doubt that underground passages must connect this pool to the true spring; and the stone of the mountain dilutes the magic water by only a slim margin.

Created by Hasbro on 2024-08

The Wellspring's Woe

3 2 1 1 2 3 Wellspring Tokens (15 total)

Master Game for 2 Players

Required Sets: Battle for the Wellspring

Goal: The pirates (Player 1) seek to turn the Wellsprings against their masters with poison. Aquilla’s loyal retainers (Player 2) seek to defend the spring, and warn their General of the danger.

Setup: Place figures where shown on the battlefield.

Player 1: White
1: Fia Bonny the Void Siren
2: Bok-Bur-Na
3: Killian Vane III

Player 2: Black
1: Ewashia, Master of Tides
2: Kita the Springrunner
3: Onshu the Welkineye

Each player starts with a certain number of Wellspring "tokens". These tokens can be glyphs, wound markers, coins, poker chips, whatever is handy. Player 1 starts with 6 Wellspring tokens, and Player 2 starts with 9 Wellspring tokens.

Victory: Player 1 wins by successfully poisoning the Wellspring. Player 2 wins by successfully warding the Wellspring with magic, protecting it. If the battle is not won by the end of round 5, the battle breaks off, and whichever player has the most Wellspring tokens wins.

Special Rules: Drinking from the Wellspring is dangerous, sacrilegious, and foolish to attempt without cause. Its magic is formidable and difficult to control. Just standing this close to the magic water has its side effects:

Figures cannot be destroyed. Visions of their own destruction bombard them, saving them from death’s embrace as they stagger clear of impending doom. When a figure would be destroyed, do not give that figure its final Wound Marker (leaving it with one less Wound Marker than would destroy it). Instead, the opposing player may move it up to 2 spaces, following all normal rules for movement, along with any special movement rules (powers) for that figure.

A figure with only one wound remaining is sickened by the incessant visions the Wellspring’s water sent uncontrollably through its skin. When a figure with only one wound remaining attacks, after it chooses a target figure, it rolls the 20-sided die. Subtract 3 from the result if the figure is on a Wellspring water space. If the result is an 8 or below, the figure is confused, and lashes out. The opposing player chooses a new target for the attack within the attack’s normal range. If no alternate target is available (other than itself), the figure cannot attack this turn.

Other waters near the Wellspring are more diluted, and far safer. When a figure ends a movement on a water space (that is not a Wellspring water space) it may remove all Wound Markers from its Army Card.

To Poison the Wellspring, a figure controlled by Player 1 must begin its turn on a Wellspring water tile. Instead of moving, that figure rolls combat dice equal to its Attack Value. For each skull in the result, take that many Wellspring tokens from Player 2. If Player 1 obtains all 15 Wellspring tokens, then Player 1 wins.

To Ward the Wellspring, once per Order Marker, a figure controlled by Player 2 must begin its turn on a Wellspring water tile. Instead of moving, that figure rolls combat dice equal to its Attack Value. For each shield in the result, take that many Wellspring tokens from the Player 1. If Player 2 obtains all 15 Wellspring tokens, then Player 2 wins.

If the battle is not won by the end of round 5, the combatants are too sickened by the Wellspring to continue fighting. The player with the most Wellspring tokens wins.

The mercenaries drag their aching limbs over the final ridge and tumble through a hole into a moonlit cavern. Even Killian Vane III stares open-mouthed for a moment, transfixed by the beauty of the mythical Wellspring. Its crystal-clear water offers no reflection, but seems to beckon the beholder closer.

Created by Hasbro on 2024-08

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