Battlefields using the Rise of the Valkyrie (RV) Set sorted by Set Quantity, then by Owner, then by Date and then by Name

 Date   Owner   Battlefield   RV   RF   VW   TT   FA   SM   TJ   BU   BW   AN   LJ   CB   BST 
2009-05-08 GaryLASQ Genapolis Rift 1 1
2007-11-04 GaryLASQ MOPs 5111 and 5134 1 1
2007-02-11 GaryLASQ MOPs 5105 and 5106 1 2
2006-10-21 GaryLASQ Blutsymburg 1 2
2006-03-25 GaryLASQ Zetalund 1 2 1 3
2005-09-02 GaryLASQ The Growing Expænse IV 1 1 2
2005-06-29 GaryLASQ The Growing Expænse III 1 2
2005-06-20 GaryLASQ The Growing Expænse II 1 1
2005-06-08 GaryLASQ The Growing Expænse 1
2011-03 Hasbro Feldspar Pass 1 1 1
2011-02 Hasbro Aveniul's Threshold 1 1 2
2010-01 Hasbro Road to the Underdark 1 1 1
2007-07-15 Hasbro Bloodred River 1 1 2
2007-07-15 Hasbro Valledonn 1 1 1
2006-08 Hasbro The West Barbican of Idona Castle 1 1
2006-05 Hasbro The Battlefield of Frozen Souls 1 1
2005-12 Hasbro Searing Pass 1 1
2005-12 Hasbro Wolf Swamp Road 1 1
2005-08 Hasbro Volcarren Wasteland 1 1
2005-07 Hasbro The Forgotten Forest 1 1
2004-11 Hasbro The Meat Grinder 1
2004-08 Hasbro Durgeth Swamps 1
2004-08 Hasbro The Forsaken Waters 1
2004-08 Hasbro Migol's Tomb 1
2004-08 Hasbro Soulrazor Canyon 1
2004-08 Hasbro Table of the Giants 1
2004-08 Hasbro Trollsford Swamps 1
2007-11-17 GaryLASQ MOPs 5113, 5114(2), 5115(2), 5116, 5117 2
2005-11-07 GaryLASQ Brusymlund 2 2 2 3.25
2005-09-28 GaryLASQ Muspellgata 2 3 2 6.75
2007-06-15 Hasbro Aaryglynn 2 2
2005-12 Hasbro Wellspring of Obsession 2

Hasbro scenarios have been slightly edited.

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